Set against the backdrop of heather and pine trees, Plockton is a charming seaside village. It is delightful and picturesque with its incomparable location on the sheltered Loch Carron bay. During the high season, this Scottish village is abuzz with
3 Best Sea Kayak Expeditions for Tourists Visiting Plockton
Plockton has all the ingredients that would make your stay in the Scottish village truly memorable. It is abundant in scenic beauty and gives you some excellent opportunities to indulge in exciting outdoor activities. Among them is sea kayaking. Whenever
Reasons Behind the Popularity of Single Malt Scotch Whiskey
There’s something between Scotland and whiskey, which makes them inseparable. People would always prefer a Scotch whiskey over all the other kinds available in the world. This is almost the same like associating fine wine with France. None of the
Try These 5 Traditional Scottish Foods While in Plockton
The sea is an inseparable part of Plockton. For centuries, the local community in this Scottish village has thrived on fishing and crofting. So, it’s quite obvious that the restaurants in Plockton use the local catch of fish in their
The Intriguing History of Plockton
Plockton is often described as the ‘Jewel of the Highlands’. You’ll see some truth in this when you begin exploring the wonderful offerings of this Scottish village. Among them are its breathtaking landscapes, coral beach, and a small island located
5 Beautiful Villages of Scotland for a Pleasant Vacation
Scotland has some stunning landscapes, which would make you crave for a vacation amid those scenic delights. Among all the things that make it a sought-after tourist destination are its gorgeous villages. It won’t be wrong to say that the
If you’ve been wanting to know about Plockton village and the Scottish culture, you’ve landed at the right spot. Delve into the Scottish cuisine, the local history and all the wonderful offerings of Plockton on this blog.